

well, kinda.

I just ordered Chinese food for dinner, and I ordered Kung Pao chicken and shrimp! I always get beef and broccoli. Last time I got orange chicken. I'm branching out! Wooo.

Mmm, it's sooo good. Though, it has those mini corn looking things. Which scare me. But it's all spicy and good, so I forgive it.

also, I got an early Christmas present yesterday!! It was.... THE COMPLETE SEASON OF SEX IN THE CITY!!!!1one! I'm up to season three. Matty was sad because he was going to get it for me for my birthday, and now he has to come up with something else. My christmas presents from Matt are all under the three, but they're all in their original UPS packages and envelopes and stuff. I meant to buy wrapping paper for him, but I keep forgetting. I don't think I'll be here when he gets home (I'm gonna be in the hospital, nothing to worry about, except bad scheduling) so I've been cleaning and leaving him nice little notes in random places. He's bummed that I'm not gonna be home the day he gets home, but I told him he'll get a whole day to relax before he has to pick me up.

Man, Sex in the City is so good. I always forget, becaues I have to borrow or rent the seasons... but... NO MORE. I have the whooooooole series in a pretty pink suede dvd binder. Ah, SO good. Seriously, when i opened my present yesterday, I was like "*gasp* NO. seriously?!" It put me in such a good mood. Now, if only Matty's teevee weren't dying a slow painful death. I could watch it on my laptop, or my teevee, had i remembered to bring it to the apartment last time i was home.

Grr. Zac's not online, and I need to yell at him. Stupid Zac.

I think I'm going to go watch sex in the city, and eat my chinese take out, and wait for matty to call. then i'll walk to john's grocery while i'm on the phone with him (i don't like walking places by myself after dark, so i always wait for matt to call so he can keep me company. but, once he started talking about zombies, and how they'd jump out of the alleys or the scary basement grates in the sidewalk, or the stair wells... and i got all scared.) ANYhow. I'm off.


I would just like to say that it is not ENTIRELY my fault that my blog has been so neglected. I have written TWO really long updates, only to have them deleted. Which upset me so much that I was unable to update at all.

And NOW, I’ve had two important phone calls since I started typing. So this tiny little update has taken almost forty minutes. There’s not a whole lot going on, I’m just working, and hanging out. I love my apartment, it’s soooo wonderful. I have rugs now, and a space heater (so matt isn’t complaining about how cold it is when he gets back. I talk to him on the phone and he’s like “it’s SOOOOO cold” and it’s like 55 degrees), and I’m think I’m going to go curtain shopping tomorrow or Wednesday.

Graham was in town this weekend, and we went grocery shopping, so my kitchen is fully stocked now. It’s weird, graham and I haven’t been around each other for so long, he kept suggesting things to buy and I was like and he’d be like “but you love these!” and I’d be like “I have no idea who you’re thinking of, but it is definitely not me.” but, after a rather trying shopping trip, we got everything I needed and headed home. Where we didn’t put away any of the groceries. Actually, Graham tried, but I was being lazy and didn’t help, so he just left them.

What else did I do this weekend? I went out to eat, I went and saw Rent (the movie) again, went to Vortex and picked up a Christmas present for Matt, (and, picked up a Christmas present that he’d ordered from there. Which I wasn’t really supposed to peek at… but I did, because I already knew what it was, since I picked it out… and I wanted to wear it… So, I’ll wear it until we leave for Wisconsin for Christmas… then I’ll wrap it up so I can open it up there).

I wrapped all the Christmas presents I’ve bought so far last night. (Except the ones that haven’t arrived yet. Oh, and Zane’s, I didn’t wrap Zane’s. I’ll do that when I finish this.) They’re all under my Christmas (palm) tree now. When I go curtain shopping this week I’m going to get candy canes too. So I can add those to the palm tree. It’ll be so festive. I could go get little electric candles too… and do what my mom does… (she puts little electric/battery powered candles in all the windows. It’s kinda pretty actually. But I don’t have enough outlets to use electric ones… and batteries are exspensive).

I have no idea what’s happening this afternoon. Like, my mom might call and meet up with me so we can go get my dad’s Christmas present? But maybe not. Zane’s going to call in about a half hour… I have to be to Eble at 5:30 to get some stuff set up, then I’m going out to the owner’s house to put together his new computer…. I need to walk to the John’s grocery because I forgot stuff when I went shopping the other day… and, it’d be nice to clean up a little. My apartment was SPOTLESS on Friday. But it got messy over the weekend. Especially since Graham was here, and took over the living room. And, I meant to do dishes before he got here on Friday (he was supposed to get here at 10) but, when I got home from dinner at 9, I had 14 missed calls (I’d left my phone at home), and he was driving down Dubuque st. on his way to my apartment. So I didn’t have time.

Ok, I’m going to go get ready so I can go to john’s before Zane calls… and figure out the rest of the day. So, to do today/tomorrow and this week….

-call graham and tell him he forgot his mousse.
-walk down to john’s grocery
-wrap zane’s present.
-wait for zane to call
-figure out exactly what needs to be done at eble
-go to eble/daves house and get all that done.
-find out what I’m doing for work tomorrow
-do the dishes
-put away all the groceries
-go to wal mart for curtains, poster frame(s) and whatever else I’m forgetting
-pick up extra phone charger from work
-hang up posters
-keep working on Christmas cards!

Which reminds me… I’m organizing a holiday card exchange for compulsivebowlers. But, I was also going to put this up here… if you want a Christmas card, e-mail (meagna at frowl dot org) me your address, and I will send you one.