Like I said, I've been thinking about how much I enjoyed having a blog that was actually often updated, and what not. I'm a little out of practice, but I think it's time I give it a shot.
I have not decided what format I may use... Prolly just my normal, rambling, not terribly well punctuated style you've all come to know so well. At least I use capital letters these days. Unfortunately I've been out of school so long that I think my actual grammar and spelling skills have dropped off a little...
I don't really know if I'm gonna stay here at frowl (since I don't know the last time I paid Renata hosting fees, erm surry.) or if I'll strike out on my own! And, if I do strike out on my own... Do I actually go find myself some clever and sufficiently geek domain? Or do I just head over to blogspot? So many decisions, and obviously all VERY important.
I feel like I've lost my "voice" when it comes to writing, since I really only keep journals for myself these days, and I have a tendency towards abbreviations and tangents that aren't always fit for sharing with people. So, uh, expect a bumpy start while I try and remember what it's like to write with the idea of having other people read it... SO, here it is, brought to you by insomnia and Rob's cheerleading.... MY RETURN TO BLOGGING.
God, I'm a geek.
I have not decided what format I may use... Prolly just my normal, rambling, not terribly well punctuated style you've all come to know so well. At least I use capital letters these days. Unfortunately I've been out of school so long that I think my actual grammar and spelling skills have dropped off a little...
I don't really know if I'm gonna stay here at frowl (since I don't know the last time I paid Renata hosting fees, erm surry.) or if I'll strike out on my own! And, if I do strike out on my own... Do I actually go find myself some clever and sufficiently geek domain? Or do I just head over to blogspot? So many decisions, and obviously all VERY important.
I feel like I've lost my "voice" when it comes to writing, since I really only keep journals for myself these days, and I have a tendency towards abbreviations and tangents that aren't always fit for sharing with people. So, uh, expect a bumpy start while I try and remember what it's like to write with the idea of having other people read it... SO, here it is, brought to you by insomnia and Rob's cheerleading.... MY RETURN TO BLOGGING.
God, I'm a geek.
yay! and whatevs, keep using frowl, i mean someone might as well use the space.
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