So. Many. Dishes.
And, SO MUCH LAUNDRY. I'm completely reorganizing my closet as part of the laundry endeavor. I'm really hoping that in the reorganization I will find my missing clothing. I'm seriously... just... I... how... WHERE ARE THEY!?
What's gonna happen is I'm gonna get the whole house freaking SPOTLESS, and then I'll be sitting around by myself tonight in a clean house with no company. At least the kitchen won't smell bad anymore... The dishes have reached the point of no return... And I think Roommate and his boyfriend may have cooked something and left the pan in the sink... Where it has slowly been covered with rinsed plates and glasses. Cuz, something in that sink is going to be really gross to deal with, I can just tell. And, there are two half eaten pieces of pizza sitting on the counter. And the infamous tower of trash on top of the trash can... Take out the trash maybe? I bitch and bitch, but usually I really don't care... I'm totally not gonna change their ways, I'd just become the bitchy roommate. I'll just rant about it in my blog while putting off cleaning! Yessss. Master plaaaaan.
Nate's old roommate totally took all the cleaning supplies (along with the silverware and corkscrew, what?), and I haven't taken the time to replace them, so I keep just sweeping and making due with what few supplies I have. Mainly pet type cleaning supplies. Alright, here goes, here's the list to get me motivated... (If you'll recall from my early blogging days, I fucking LOVE lists).
-Whites (bleach)
-Cottons and other hot water type stuff.
-Delicate things
-Handwash my cashmere pashmina that LEELA PEED ON. Rotten, rotten dog.
-Dishes- (are not considered done until PUT AWAY.)
-Take out trash- (and bring the cans back up to the driveway tomorrow)
-Hang up all hanging clothes-
-Fold all other clothes-
-Wash sheets-
-Make bed-
-Put away four million pairs of shoes-
-Put away dog toys- (that'll last for all of ten minutes)
Ok, that's what I have to do today. SIGH. I guess I have some more time tomorrow too... Though, it'd be nice to just get up and go running and then go to lunch with my dad... And... find something else to do in the afternoon. Srsly, day's off, yo.
And, I'm working in Detroit this weekend and going to the final four. I'm totes not excited at all. Woo, basketball, wooo, Detroit? No. Oh well, cool thing to do regardless, and I'm sure I'll enjoy myself. DISHES.
What's gonna happen is I'm gonna get the whole house freaking SPOTLESS, and then I'll be sitting around by myself tonight in a clean house with no company. At least the kitchen won't smell bad anymore... The dishes have reached the point of no return... And I think Roommate and his boyfriend may have cooked something and left the pan in the sink... Where it has slowly been covered with rinsed plates and glasses. Cuz, something in that sink is going to be really gross to deal with, I can just tell. And, there are two half eaten pieces of pizza sitting on the counter. And the infamous tower of trash on top of the trash can... Take out the trash maybe? I bitch and bitch, but usually I really don't care... I'm totally not gonna change their ways, I'd just become the bitchy roommate. I'll just rant about it in my blog while putting off cleaning! Yessss. Master plaaaaan.
Nate's old roommate totally took all the cleaning supplies (along with the silverware and corkscrew, what?), and I haven't taken the time to replace them, so I keep just sweeping and making due with what few supplies I have. Mainly pet type cleaning supplies. Alright, here goes, here's the list to get me motivated... (If you'll recall from my early blogging days, I fucking LOVE lists).
-Whites (bleach)
-Cottons and other hot water type stuff.
-Delicate things
-Handwash my cashmere pashmina that LEELA PEED ON. Rotten, rotten dog.
-Dishes- (are not considered done until PUT AWAY.)
-Take out trash- (and bring the cans back up to the driveway tomorrow)
-Hang up all hanging clothes-
-Fold all other clothes-
-Wash sheets-
-Make bed-
-Put away four million pairs of shoes-
-Put away dog toys- (that'll last for all of ten minutes)
Ok, that's what I have to do today. SIGH. I guess I have some more time tomorrow too... Though, it'd be nice to just get up and go running and then go to lunch with my dad... And... find something else to do in the afternoon. Srsly, day's off, yo.
And, I'm working in Detroit this weekend and going to the final four. I'm totes not excited at all. Woo, basketball, wooo, Detroit? No. Oh well, cool thing to do regardless, and I'm sure I'll enjoy myself. DISHES.
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