Looking for a Rock, Paper, Snikt! logo artist!

Hello, best listeners!

As you may be aware, one of our Patreon goals is to have someone create a logo for “The Rock, Paper, Snikt!” that we could potentially offer on merchandise, etc. As we’ve recently hit that milestone, we’re starting to put out feelers to find an artist to commission for that logo. The graphic designer we’re working with for some other logo work suggested reaching out to the fan artist community to see if anyone would be interested in working with us on this, as a fan artist might make for a more dynamic logo given the subject matter.

That’s where you come in! If you would be interested in potentially taking on this paying gig, please send a link to your portfolio to worstbestsellers@gmail.com with the subject link “Rock, Paper, Snikt!” We’ll take a look at people’s portfolios in the next week or so and get back to you soon. We’re pretty flexible–we don’t have a solid idea for this logo in mind and we’re definitely interested to hear what you think.

As always, thanks for listening, and feel free to pass this on to your friends!

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