How We Cleared Ourselves of Dianetics

If you’ve listened to our Dianetics episode, you’ll know we found it a very painful read. Also, we resented having to purchase copies of the book, since it was either unavailable from our local libraries or we were too embarrassed to check it out from our place of work.

Here’s what happened next.

Sigrid fed her copy to gerbils.

Gerbils Gerbils Gerbils


Renata took her copy camping, where it made useful tinder.

Goodbye Goodbye



Kait channeled her feelings into some moving blackout poetry.

Blackout Poetry Blackout Poetry Blackout Poetry


Note: We at Worst Bestsellers do not generally advocate for the destruction of books, particularly not library books! But if they are books you purchased yourself that were really upsetting… well, do what you want.

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