Episode 261 – Vampire Academy

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Some of you might be on spring break, but for us? Class is in session at Vampire Academy. We read Richelle Mead’s series launch with Sarah Elizabeth Gallagher (@SarahElizabeth_Talks) vampire video queen and and author of the upcoming book Why We Love (and Hate) Twilight. Join as we discuss vampire royalty and pray for a cure for Sandovsky Syndrome.

Content warning: Self harm.

Readers advisory: Here.

Footnotes: Vampire Academy on AO3

AO3 screenshot showing the top 10 ships from Vampire Academy: Include Relationships Dimitri Belikov/Rose Hathaway (544) Lissa Dragomir/Christian Ozera (204) Adrian Ivashkov/Sydney Sage (125) Dimitri Belikov & Rose Hathaway (73) Rose Hathaway/Adrian Ivashkov (48) Lissa Dragomir/Rose Hathaway (45) Lissa Dragomir & Rose Hathaway (43) Janine Hathaway/Abe Mazur (41) Eddie Castile/Jill Mastrano Dragomir (40) Lissa Dragomir & Christian Ozera (29)

Coming up next: Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros.

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