Tag Archives: A Werewolf in Riverdale

Episode 149 – A Werewolf in Riverdale

A Werewolf in Riverdale by Caleb Roehrig

Bad news: A Werewolf in Riverdale by Caleb Roehrig is not a tie-in to the CW show Riverdale, but rather to the town of Riverdale from the Archie comics. Well–from the Archie Horror comics. Good news: we once again teamed up with J. and Collision from I Don’t Even Own a Television to tackle the big questions raised by this novel, most importantly: did you know that Jughead’s little hat is called a “whoopee cap,” and when Jughead transforms into a werewolf, does he still wear his whoopee cap?

Readers advisoryHere.

Footnotes: “The Weird History of Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa” by Avery Kaplan

“A Feud in Wolf-Kink Erotica Raises a Deep Legal Question” by Alexandra Alter

I Don’t Even Own a Television #146 – The Day Before (Riverdale prequel novel)

I Don’t Even Own a Television #157 – Resident Evil II: Caliban Cove (featuring Kait & Renata)

Candy Pairing:  Collision says a Hershey bar when he expected a Mr. Goodbar, Jay says Laffy Taffy, Kait says cold French fries, Renata says a hamburger when she ordered a milkshake.

Coming up next: Flashback Summer Super-Special Edition!


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Filed under Podcasts

Readers Advisory: Episode 149 – A Werewolf In Riverdale

Here’s what we suggest instead of/in addition to reading A Werewolf in Riverdale by Caleb Roehrig. Listen to the podcast to hear us talk about some of these titles in more depth!

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Filed under Readers Advisory