Tag Archives: Nora Roberts

Readers Advisory: Episode 212 – The Last Boyfriend

Here’s what we suggest instead of/in addition to reading The Last Boyfriend by Nora Roberts. Listen to the podcast to hear us talk about some of these titles in more depth!

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Filed under Readers Advisory

Episode 211.5 – BONUS – Inn BoonsBoro


Thanks to our wonderful Patreon Patrons, we recently traveled to Nora Roberts’ bed and breakfast in Maryland, Inn BoonsBoro, along with our Resident Nora Roberts Expert, Christine, and Resident Robe Expert, Nicole! Please enjoy this bonus episode where the four of us talk about our luxurious weekend stay, debate the content of a dolphin massage, and fail to accurately describe the size of a pretzel.

Footnotes: Romancing The Shelf: Our Trip to BoonsBoro!

Inn BoonsBoro

Gifts Inn BoonsBoro

Ghost-scented lotion!

Bespoke tea blends!

Dan’s Restaurant and Taproom

Renata’s Instagram Post

Big Pretzel:

Coming up next: The Last Boyfriend by Nora Roberts.

Filed under Extras, Podcasts

Episode 211 – The Next Always

The Next Always by Nora Roberts

It’s our first episode of the year and we’re already longing to get away from it all. So we were joined by Heidi and Emily of the Romancing the Shelf podcast to discuss the book The Next Always by Nora Roberts. But also more importantly, we discussed Inn BoonsBoro, the B&B where this book is set, but also the B&B that Nora Roberts owns in real life! Heidi and Emily gave Kait and Renata travel tips for their upcoming stay in BoonsBoro. Listen to this episode on your way to pick up your next pizza.

Readers advisoryHere.

Footnotes: Romancing The Shelf: Our Trip to BoonsBoro!

Inn BoonsBoro

Coming up next: The Last Boyfriend by Nora Roberts.

Filed under Podcasts

Readers Advisory: Episode 211 – The Next Always

Here’s what we suggest instead of/in addition to reading The Next Always by Nora Roberts. Listen to the podcast to hear us talk about some of these titles in more depth!

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Episode 189 – Carnal Innocence

Carnal Innocence by Nora Roberts

Nora Roberts Month continues with a gracious Southern-style housecall from Heidi and Emily, the cohosts of the Nora Roberts podcast Romancing the Shelf. For this podcast crossover event, we discussed Nora’s 1991 thriller Carnal Innocence. It’s the story of a serial killer in a small Southern town and aspects of it have not aged well. Listen now to find out how to sign up for a true crime LARP!

Content warning: This book and our discussion of it includes sexual assault, murder, child abuse, racism, and hate crimes.

Readers advisoryHere.

Footnotes: Romancing the Shelf: Carnal Innocence

Romancing the Shelf on Instagram

Worst Bestsellers Episode #169 – Divine Evil

Coming up next: The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.

Filed under Podcasts

Readers Advisory: Episode 189 – Carnal Innocence

Here’s what we suggest instead of/in addition to reading Carnal Innocence by Nora Roberts. Listen to the podcast to hear us talk about some of these titles in more depth!

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Filed under Readers Advisory

Episode 188 – Brazen Virtue

Brazen Virtue by Nora Roberts

We’re once again starting the year with a visit from our Nora Roberts expert, Christine. This time we read Brazen Virtue, a murder mystery-romance novel from 1988 that has been mystifyingly adapted into a 2022 Netflix original movie. This episode costs $1.99 per minute to listen to via long-distance phone call.

Content warning: This book and our discussion of it includes rape and murder.

Readers advisory: Here.

Footnotes: A Statement from Nora Roberts Re: Alyssa Milano

“Nora Roberts defends Alyssa Milano’s casting in adaptation of Brazen Virtue” by Maureen Lee Lenker

“Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s Finale Fails to Reckon with Its Pro-cop Legacy” by s.e. smith

Coming up next: Carnal Innocence by Nora Roberts.

Filed under Podcasts

Readers Advisory: Episode 188 – Brazen Virtue

Here’s what we suggest instead of/in addition to reading Brazen Virtue by Nora Roberts. Listen to the podcast to hear us talk about some of these titles in more depth!

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Filed under Readers Advisory

Episode 169 – Divine Evil

Divine Evil by Nora Roberts

It’s been a scary year, so we returned to the loving embrace of Our Lady Nora Roberts. Even though her 1992 novel Divine Evil is about a Satanic cult, we still felt safe in the small town of Emmitsboro, especially with our returning guest, Christine. Listen to this podcast on the long drive back to your charming hometown from the Big City.

Content warning: This book contains sexual assault, murder, and potential suicide.

Readers advisoryHere.

Footnotes: You’re Wrong About: The Satanic Panic

You’re Wrong About Book Club: Michelle Remembers

American Hysteria: The Satanic Panic

Coming up next: Didn’t See That Coming by Rachel Hollis.


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(But no pressure, we’re also happy if you get these items from your local library or independent bookstore.)

Filed under Podcasts

Readers Advisory: Episode 169 – Divine Evil

Here’s what we suggest instead of/in addition to reading Divine Evil by Nora Roberts. Listen to the podcast to hear us talk about some of these titles in more depth!

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Filed under Readers Advisory